Lame-duck PM’s nuclear misadventure in Haryana must be condemned: CNDP Statement

Lame-duck PM’s nuclear misadventure in Haryana must be condemned: CNDP Statement

We urge that the PM should restrain from inaugurating the Gorakhpur nuclear project and immediately organise wider consultations with the local community, civil society groups and independent experts. These must address the issue of the Environmental Impact Assessment process, which has been turned into a mockery by ignoring and suppressing the crucial issue of radiation impacts. We strongly such misadventure by a lame-duck outgoing prime Minister.
Resolution of the Anti-Nuclear Convention at Koodankulam (January 4-5, 2014)

Resolution of the Anti-Nuclear Convention at Koodankulam (January 4-5, 2014)

The Idinthakarai Convention declares that the Indo-US nuclear deal is one of the biggest disasters in independent India, and has paved the way for recolonisation of India with a renewed vigour. The Convention expresses its solidarity with all struggles against privatisation in general, and in particular to those who are currently engaged in resisting nuclear projects in Fatehabad, Haripur, Jaitapur, Kovvada, Mithi Virdi, Banswada, Chutka, Koodankulam, Kalpakkam, Thevaram, Madurai, Manavalakurichi, Pazhayakayal and Jadugoda.
CNDP Statement: Koodankulam leader barred from attending his father’s funeral by the police

CNDP Statement: Koodankulam leader barred from attending his father’s funeral by the police

It is heartbreaking to see Mr. Pushparayan not being able to attend his father's last rites as he cannot move out of the Idinthakarai village, fearing immediate arrest by the police. It is shocking that over 200 police personnel were deployed at the funeral of Mr. Pushparayan's father in Tuticorin to arrest him if he joins. Almost the entire village of Idinthakarai, which has been the centre of protests, is declared criminal and people can't move out.