Prof Achin Vanaik, eminent intellectual and peace activist, speaking on the worsening security situation in South Asia and the escalating arms race in the region.
After 18 years of the nuclear tests, the security that the atomic weapons were supposed to bestow on us is conspicuously missing and South Asia is becoming more dangerous with each passing day. India has become the world's largest arms importer, with a share of 14 per cent in the entire world's weapons' trade. Between 2006–10 and 2011–15, India's weapons imports have grown by 90 per cent. Similarly, Pakistan's defence budget has also seen a steep rise. Evidently, the claims of nuclear weapons supporters that these lethal weapons would bring security and stability to the region have proven to be untrue.
Residents from Fukushima, along with Japanese civil society activists, would be visiting India this week to share their stories. The life stories – full of struggle and resilience - of more than 100,000 people who continue to live away from their home, while the accident in the crippled reactors is still unfolding, are a testimony to the fact that nuclear disasters are humanely insurmountable, even in countries that are technologically most advanced.
The plant authorities claim that there has been no radiation leak. While, we very much hope that this is the case, we would like to urge the NPCIL to ensure the protection of workers at the plant who are involved in cleaning up the spilled heavy water. By its very nature, some of the heavy water that is in the primary coolant circuit would have been absorbed neutrons to be converted into tritiated water. Tritium is a radioactive isotope and thus the tritiated water will be automatically radioactive.
Eminent social activist Aruna Roy, Priya Pillai of Greenpeace India and Kumar Sundaram of Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace(CNDP) addressed the press conference. .