Do tactical nukes break international law?

Do tactical nukes break international law?

By Jaroslav Krasny | December 31, 2020 In the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, the Trump Administration announced its intention to expand the US nuclear arsenal under the doctrine of so-called “flexible deterrence,”…
Thinking through the TPNW

Thinking through the TPNW

Tony Simpson Bertrand Russell applied quite a stern assessment of the efficacy or otherwise of disarmament treaties. ‘I think we may infer that no disarmament agreement will be reliable unless…
Atal Bihari Vajpayee with George Fernandes, APJ Abdul Kalam, R.Chidambaram and others, in Pokhran after the nuclear tests, May 1998

Pokhran-II and Since: A Quick Analytical Survey

by Sukla Sen Contents:1. Prefatory2. The 1998 Blasts: The immediate Backdrop3. The Explosions4. Immediate Aftermath5. Then the Mountains Move6. the "Geo-strategic Situation" Shifts7. From Policy Paper to Nuclear Doctrine8. Enhanced…